A clear view of Denali, Foraker, and Hunter Peaks in the Alaskan Range seen from Kincaid park.
Ocoee's first fish caught ice fishing on 2/17/14. She really wanted to catch a purple fish, and brought her Melissa and Doug wooden fish game to practice.
The Fey family had a particularly great weekend this past week. First it was a four day weekend which is always a plus. Friday was Valentines day. I know a lot of people are cynical about a marketed "love" day but I like any chance to celebrate this one, brief, beautiful life we get! Valentines to me is an extra chance to show people around me how much I love and appreciate them.
The first thing we did to celebrate is Ocoee, who is learning about sharing, picked out Lorax valentines, organic vitamin C lollipops, and mini-playdoughs for her friends at school. Since she is obsessed with stickers right now she also put some stickers in there. We worked together to get all of her classmates names and pick out the perfect sticker for each one. It was pretty darn cute. She also gave fancy chocolate bars to her teachers, though was a little too shy to give it to them when it actually came time. Since her entire class had the "let's all puke and be sick" funk we dropped off our goodies, washed out hands and got out of there. All of the other parents went out of their way to make the day special and Ocoee had quite the swag bag.
We also went to brunch at my favorite cafe, snow city, with hubby. It never disappoints and this time was extra special because someone mysteriously bought our brunch. Random act of kindness? Wow. It made my day.
We are also very blessed to have the world's best grandparents/in-laws. We received packages of goodies, chocolate, art and gifts for the entire family. I am not going to lie, I love getting presents in the mail. It always feels so fun and special.
Hubby brought Ocoee home a ridiculously big, red and pink lady bug balloon that now sits at the kitchen table with us. It has taken the place of the previuosly gigantic purple octopus that was for hubbys bday. Did I mention we have lots of stickers and balloons in our life right now.
For each other hubby and I did nice things, for example I gave him a yummy chocolate bar and made extra special yummy pizza for dinner. I also made an awesome "love" playlist on spotify.....the modern mix tape. I put a lot of work into it and I am quite proud of the results. Hubby watched Ocoee at work Friday so I could go to the gym, and each day of the 4 day weekend so I could get back on track working out.
We also finally got out for some ice fishing on little campbell lake in Anchorage. Mike popped up the ice shack, fired up the heater and passed around the hot chocolate. He caught lots of little fish and was pretty much in bliss. I was less easily entertained but was thrilled when Ocoee caught her first fish. A sweet 6 inch Alaskan black fish. Hubby gave us both a five minute lecture about these fish, but all I remember is that is breathes with lungs.....kinda cool.
Now we just have to make it through 3 more weeks until Spring Break.
Also for my friends on the "Outside" Anchorage just got 6-10 inchs of snow and people were celebrating. Business were rejoicing and skiers were all over the trails. Totally different perspective on winter here!