So hubby and I decided to take a weekend for a last fling of summer adventure before the bambino arrives. Hubby was amazing and planned the whole trip, which was a relief since I was in the middle of a new position at school and it was the first week with students....always a busy time. We found a great lodge to stay at since my camping days are behind me for a bit, nine month pregnant and an air mattress just doesn't work for me. The lodge had a hot tub with the perfect pregnancy seat....my feet were in but most of my body was out...so no overheating there. It also overlooked gorgeous mountains and a lake that we were able to kayak. Our goal was to pick blueberries on the way, kayak the Duck Flats in Valdez Bay and Robe Lake and catch some fish. Everything went according to plan except not much in the fish catching area. I got some great photos so I wasn't too bummed but hubby was really hoping to get a few silvers from his kayak. Last year we were too late and the silvers weren't biting any more and this year we were just a few days early....
Kayaking was awesome. We were lucky to have clear flat conditions on the lake and the ocean. The weather, which is almost always rainy in Valdez, even broke and gave us some sunshine on the last day. The Dutch people who were also staying at the lodge were all amazed I was kayaking at 9 months pregnant but I felt it went pretty easily...I mean I am sitting down. I was for sure using a different set of muscles than normal and getting out of the kayak was a hilarious sight I am sure...not my most graceful moments.
The best thing about the trip, right up there with fried halibut from the Halibut House...mmmm, was that hubby surprised me with a gift. He said he wanted to give it to me before the delivery because I had worked so hard already for 9 months already and delivery wouldn't change that. He gave me a talisman necklace from Pyrrah that I love. Each piece of Pyrrha wax seal jewelry is cast in reclaimed sterling silver or bronze from a 19th century wax seal and is handcrafted in Vancouver, Canada. It is an old design and created using old materials....totally perfect for me. He had lots of options to pick from but went with the handmade wax seal necklace that features a pelican feeding her young. She is a symbol of maternal devotion, nurturance and virtue. She is also on my birth place's state flag...Louisiana. The pelican is also their state bird. My brilliant, loving romantic hubby researched this all and picked the best gift. The necklace will be a lasting reminder of this maternity period and the love hubby and I share that created Ocoee. The sweetest thing is he did this all with little fanfare, putting the effort into the thought and downplaying how sweet and romantic a gesture it was. I love wearing the talisman and it is giving me the strength to make it through these last few weeks.