How has cloth diapering worked out.
We totally love cloth diapers. Sure it is a lot of laundry but every time I wash a diaper or wipe I think about how much less we are putting in a landfill. Plus our bambino never gets diaper rash and seems to love her cloth diapers.
Here is what is in my stash. I have 15 one size Fuzzibunz and 4 on the way thanks to the sale on Zulilly. I also have 5 thirsty wraps, which we use with the same inserts that the fuzzibunz use. In addition, we have about 6 G-diapers that we use with the inserts as well.
Fuzzibunz are my favorite, both hubby and I love using them and were thrilled with their new improved Elite upgrades, which feature super soft new minky inserts as well as better adjustments. Ocoee can sleep through the night in these with out any leaks at all.
The first few weeks we really liked the thirsties wraps. They are really cute and easy to use. The fit was key to our love during these weeks. We are also thinking we will use these in Hawaii since they are trimmer and will be cooler than the fuzzibunz in the heat.
The G-diapers have a lot going for them. They are easy to put on with the velcro closure (though I hate this when washing since it sticks to everything). G-diapers also allow you to use disposable inserts for when we are on the go traveling and have these liners that saved us a lot of issues those first few meconium filled days. Just take the liner and put on top of the inserts. When the diaper was a mess, just flush the super thin, biodegradable liner.
We can use cloth at our daycare we have lined up for next year but I am not sure about the one we will use for next semester until I am off again for the summer. If not we will use the 7th generation disposables. I hope we can talk the daycare into cloth.
Other than the diapers the gear we love is Charlie's Soap which washes the diapers perfectly...they look brand new each time. We use Planet Wise wet diapers bags to store the dirty diapers. They hang on the door and we just toss them in. We usually do laundry once every 1-2 days, and never smell the diapers in the bag...no water, no soaking, no mess! Brilliant as far as I am concerned. For on the road we have travel wet bags from fuzzinbunz and kushies which both work great.
Our wipes are Baby kicks, cloth wipes. Perfect size and get softer with each wipe.
My favorite baby wipe solution. I add it to the nursery wipe warmer and use it in a squirt bottle downstairs for our reusable wipes. We still buy disposables but mostly use them just for travel. The cloth wipes just go in the bag with the diapers and wash right up!
No measure-just like I cook
Fill 3/4 of the bottle with water-fresh glacier water if you are lucky to live in Alaska.
3 squirts favorite oil-I use almond, but you can use olive oil, grape seed, vitamin E whatever you have on hand.
4 drops lavender oil
4 drop ying ylang essential oil
3 big squirts witch hazel
Optional: 1 squirt baby wash (we are using burt's but whatever you have one hand)
Shake, squirt, wipe!