Monday, January 30, 2012

4 months

122 days, or 4 months ago our lives changed forever.

I have been trying to find a way to describe how I feel as a mom. I have fallen in love before, given love to others, received love and lost love. With you I created love. Now that love lives outside of me, in the world, with me as her protector, guide, friend and most of all mommy.

The baby announcement we sent out when you were born. Mommy actually just sent the last one yesterday....a bit late.

Cuddling in bed before work on her 4 month birthday. Hard to believe all the changes she has gone through in the last 4 months.

Ocoee turned 4 months today. We celebrated by singing her happy birthday this morning with cuddles in bed.

Then she had to go to the doctor.....and I had to go to work so daddy was her escort. After the appointment he called with a full report.

Ocoee you weigh 14.8 pounds and are 25 1/2 inches long. Your head has moved back onto the growth charts and the doctor says your growth is excellent.

You also got another round of shots. BOOO! Daddy says you freaked out, that breaks my heart. I am ordering your buzzy bubble bee for shot relief tomorrow!

The doctor asked us about solids. We haven't started any yet because all the books say 6 months is a good time. The doctor said sooner was ok, most of his patients start around 3 months. I have noticed you really watching me while I eat so I think your interested. We will discuss this and come up with a game plan soon.

Your a beautiful healthy baby. Here is a list of your accomplishments so far.

Rolling is totally easy for you. You have been doing so since 3 months and now you roll around like it's your job.

You still kick your foot non-stop. We haven't had another swim class lately but you seem to be made to be a swimmer with those leg kicks!

Your a chatty, chatty baby.

You smile and laugh a lot. You can even smile while your crying.

You have entered the "I like to be held" phase. You love to ride around in the baby bjorn or just on my hip.

Every morning I grab you and we snuggle before work. You then have breakfast in bed with dad. You always have a smile for me when I get you and most of the time you are already awake and just hanging out in your crib waiting for me.

You sleep through the night 90% of the time. You only wake if your hungry.

You eat about 40 ounces a day.

You have out grown your swing and most of your 6 month clothes.

We love you bug! Happy 4 month birthday!


New daycare started yesterday!

Ocoee spending time in her office...aka her baby play office mate called his sons that and I think it is so fitting I am stealing it...because she gets in there and plays and kicks like it is her job!

Ocoee switches to her new daycare yesterday. It may take a little while to give you an update about how she is doing...since we are heading to Seattle Thursday, this will be a 2 day week for her.

Areas we are hoping she improves is eating and sleeping. She has a great appetite at home but was not eating much at her old daycare. She also barely slept there but was a great sleeper at home.

We went last Thursday to meet with the new teacher in the infant room, called the butterfly room. In the butterfly room the teacher, Mrs. Renea is amazing. She had us feeling at home immediately. We hung out for an hour or more and just discussed Ocoee and she told us about the things they do in her room. The babies often read books, listen to music in various languages and have belly time. This is so much more like our home time!! I was in love with Mrs. Renea in minutes.

The environment at the daycare is also so much warmer and welcoming. The butterfly room has only 4 babies and only up to 6 month in age, then they transition to another infant room. The room felt like a comfy room in a warm house. There were many of the same toys, mobiles and books there that we have at home.

The closer it is to being like home the better I feel. I know diversity is important but I spent a ton of time investigating all the things in Ocoee's environment so to see that they use the same items makes me feel like our ideas are aligned and I also think Ocoee will feel more comfortable.

I am using the word feel a lot. This is because feelings and my gut reaction is truly how I make decisions. I do like to research and ask questions, but really this is just to satisfy that my gut was right.

Hillcrest just feels so much better.


Super duper easy towel tutorial- and first guest blog mommy!

Hello everyone-

We are back from a great weekend of skiing, hotubbing and chilling in Girdwood. Check out the Oh, the places you will go for pictures of that trip. This post is packed with info. I reccomend the best bath tub for babies and I have my first guest blogger, Martina who created an amazing tutorial about the super duper bath towel...check it out!

Ocooe loves to be snuggled in her super duper towel after bath time.

Here is the infamous euro bath bucket. We love it because the baby's whole body is covered. It keeps her nice and warm and she loves bath time. We use the Prince Lionheart wash POD Bathe found on Amazon. Our friend Diana let us borrow the pod and she had gone through several different baby baths before deciding this one was the we benefitted from her experiences.

And here is the super duper bath towel I received from Jordyn. Pardon that I look as if I am posing for a mug shot.

When Ocoee was first born we received a package from a former student of mine that included a towel....but this was no ordinary towel. It was a super duper cool towel. Thanks Jordyn!

We love this towel. LOVE! the towel is called an apron towel. It slips over your head so that you a.) stay dry during the spishy splash part of bath time and b.) are hands free to focus on the baby and c. ) can immediately scoop the baby up in the towel for cuddle and dry time.

What a brilliant concept. So I did some research. Jordyn had made the towel for me so I wanted to share how to make these with my blog readers. I didn't find a tutorial online but did see a company selling these for $25-45 each!

Well I knew this could be done for cheaper....

It was time to call in reinforcements. I called my friend and mommy-in-crime Martina for help. She is as crafty as I am not. She took one look at it, whipped out her phone to take pictures and exclaimed, "I can do that!"

And she did. Plus as our first guest blogger she made a tutorial for you!

Let me give you some info about Martina. Her beautiful son, Ellis Henry just celebrated his first month on this earth a few days ago. She and I were pregnant together and even though we are quite different the journey has forever bonded us. We even came to some of the same conclusions on things. Like kids with vowels at the beginning of their names are cool and cloth is easy!

Read about her journey in motherhood here.

And for you crafty folk out there here is the tutorial. You really must have this towel!


1 bath towel (traditional size; 30” x
1/3 yard+ of 45” wide coordinating fabric (flannel or calico) (“Fabric A”)
1/4 yard flannel fabric (“Fabric B”)

  1. Fold down one end of the bath towel approximately 10.5”

2. Find the center of the fold (I usually fold the towel in half length-wise and mark the center with a pin, then unfold it again), and cut out a 9.5” diameter circle centered in that location. It might be easiest to cut a circle out of paper first, then fold it in half and lay it over the material. This hole will be the neck hole for the towel apron.

3. Cut a 4” x 45” strip from Fabric A (easy to do because the width is already 45”!)

4. Cut two 3” x 45” strips from Fabric A (they only need to be slightly longer than the width of your towel--my towel was 30” wide, so I only needed it to be 31”--but it’s easiest to just cut two more strips from the end of the piece of fabric)

6. Fold the 4” strip of Fabric A in half and press.

7. Open up the 4” strip and fold each side into the center, with wrong sides of the material together. Press.

10. Next, lay one of the 3” strips of Fabric A on top of the 6.5” strip of Fabric B, with right sides together. Sew them together with 1/4 in seam allowance.

11. Flip around the two-piece fabric block, and lay the second 3” strip on top of Fabric B with edges matched and right sides together. Sew them together with 1/4 in seam allowance.

12. Press the seams flat

13. Trim off the excess length of the material so that it is one inch longer than the width of your towel (if you began with 45”, you will trim off 14” for a 30” wide towel)

14. Press under 1/2 in around the entire perimeter of the fabric block.

15. Place the fabric block approximately in the location that you want it to appear on the towel apron and pin it in place. The second image shows what the underside of the material should look like.

You may add embellishments from here. In the original towel apron that Janelle received, there is a flower that was created by cutting a circle out of fabric and finishing the seams, then bunching it and securing it to the towel by stitching the center. Alternatively, you could quilt on appliqué patches. Or, to keep it simple, you could leave it as is.

Happy bathing!!!

Janelle and guest blogger Martina

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Gear, stuff and carrying things

Gear for our weekend trip to Girdwood.

So I have a number of pet peeves. Fanny packs, bad tippers and slow walkers to name a few. Yesterday one of my biggest pet peeves almost broke me. You see I really hate carrying things. Like bags, groceries...stuff in general. I like to have my hands free, shoulders unburden and ready for the chance to make a mad dash to the bar, last cute shirt, or the front of the line.

So here is what I carried yesterday. All my stuff (computer bag, purse, tea cup, water bottle) to the car. Ocoee's stuff for the new daycare. Then I carried my stuff into work, and out of work again. Then I picked Ocoee up, carried her stuff from old daycare to car, from car to new daycare. Next we went shopping. Carried stuff into target, more stuff out of target (did you know they have baby thermometers that scan their forehead...awesome! Especially since the whole rectal thing was freaking me out). Then carried stuff in to house.

And that was my breaking point. I dropped stuff and left it.

Side note: I never mind carrying baby, I love that she likes to ride the momma wagon around!

And now today we have trip planned for a ski weekend in Girdwood with our friends Kendra and Tim. So we have to carry a lot of stuff with us. As you can tell by the picture. And I swear I have only half of one bag for my clothes-I am working on packing less. The rest is baby gear, downhill ski gear, cross country ski gear, food and spirits. This is all for like, um...Friday through Sunday.

Babies need a lot of gear. We are doing cloth for the weekend so that takes a lot of room. Next week when we head to Seattle we will do disposables to be more light weight and there is not laundry in the hotel.

All this effort might deter some people from traveling with their baby. I understand, some days I can barely get out of my PJ's. But having fun, searching for new experiences, living worth the extra effort. I like to make things special, like to go out of my way for a unique experience, like to get out there and do stuff. So if I have to get over my pet peeve of carrying so much-so be it!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A colorful world

I am feeling a little sorry for myself. I am really not enjoying being back at work, nor being away from baby. I thought I would. I thought I would be so happy to get back to my career, adult world and me time. But when I am honest with myself I am not thrilled at all. But I am a, the glass is half full of vodka kind of girl, so I need to drop this little pity party and focus on the good things in my life.

Like Ocoee and hubby.

Hubby told me he read a dad's blog and we had a real discussion about parenting and how he wanted his and Ocoee's relationship to develop. Backed by research and felt with deep love he discussed how his relationship with her now will effect her relationships later in life. He reported that the study showed the majority of women have a better relationships with their mothers than fathers. I feel so lucky to have a hubby who is an amazing husband and a good father.

Also my little bambino is such a sweet baby. She has been sleeping great and her smile and laugh make my world more colorful and special. We have a weekend in Girdwood coming up for some skiing with great friends and next week we tag along with daddy for some big city time in Seattle.

Ok, I am feeling a little better, pity party over!


Monday, January 23, 2012

You told me so and yes you were right

Baby Ocoee, getting her walk on with assists from daddy.

Love those expressions-they kill me!

We have been reading to her since birth and she is really starting to show a love for books. Now she can grab things she loves to grab a book and "read". She is also a lucky girl who recieved more awesome kids books from my book club this month.

Check out our photo shoots with Ocoee tab for more photos!

I am confessing. To all my mommy friends who told me things that I said, nope, nope I am going to do THIS and THAT....they just smiled, some said, "We should write this down."

And they were right.

We have a book club call "Get Lit", and I swear that stands for literature. This book club has been like a good headlamp, guiding me and lighting up my world since I moved to Alaska. My amazing friend Staci, took me under her wing and based only on a shared love of Husker football and a little bit of kismet-I taught at her husbands high school in Fremont, NE and we ended up at the same school 5 thousand miles away in Alaska...crazy, she invited me to book club.

These ladies, the wild women, have had my back and shared their lives, families and adventures with me. I feel as if I have the best support group a gal can ask for. They each bring something different to the table..and usually it is damn tasty food, delicious drinks and nourishment for my mind and soul.

Anyways, at book club Friday, I told my work out buddy, Kathleen, um you were right. She had been kind enough to not say- I told you so, so I figured I would 'fess up!

We both remembered me saying, I am going to work out after school and it will be great. She gently mentioned, that I might want to rush right home and see the baby, to which I scoffed and said, nope I am working out.

Well, I have been rushing right home to see that baby.

You see, I didn't know. I simply had no idea what being a mom would do to me. I am still completely blown away but the emotions and changes to my way of thinking.

So all you who giggled when you heard naive words slip from my were right!

And I still love ya anyways :)

If you want some great reading-check out my friend Tahya's blog. Her husband is deployed and she is capturing the moments of their adorable kids to share with family, friends and her hubby who is far away. My favorite is her-Today's Smiles...because we can all use a few smiles!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Daddy at home

Hubby is a expert baby whisper...he has managed to get 2 complete nights of sleep from Ocoee while I got a 3 wake up night.....we must discuss this soon!

Yep, dad is working at home again today. He did 4 days last week since Ocoee and he had a little stomach bug. He is home with her today because I saw a note at daycare that said RSV, which is Respiratory Syncytial Virus, was confirmed in the infant room. Then my head spun around and saw that only 2 babies were in the room that day, Ocoee and another 3 month old.

So I went home and did some research and this can be pretty serious in infant and the best thing to do is limit exposure. In older kids it just comes off as a cold. I also spoke to our nurse at school who said keeping her home would be the right call.

We are not crazy and not overprotective, at least that is what we keep telling ourselves. Babies will get sick, it happens. We know this but we are still so worried about it. I know, we are the same people who traveled to Maui in the holiday craze with a baby, and we have several more trips planned before she gets to be a year old. BUT....

Daycares are germ factories! I swear they are. So daddy and baby are both at home, hopefully avoiding germs and staying healthy.

On a side note, I had a horrible dream last night where I was at a house and Ocoee was supposed to be sleeping upstairs but I couldn't find her, and I kept saying...I want my BABY! So yea maybe I am crazy......having some issues at least :) But it is the weekend and I will get baby time so I am looking forward to that and to try and deal with my separation anxiety issues, one glass of wine at a time!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cold, cloth and sucking thumbs

Cloth really is cool!

It is a beautiful, cold as balls day here in Alaska. Last night it was -25 at out house. We live on the East side of Anchorage so we get the joys of having the Chugach Mountains at our back door, the remote, quiet and enchanting Russian Jack park just steps from our front door and temperatures that are usually 10 degrees colder than the rest of Anchorage. The colder temps are due to cold pockets of air rushing down the mountains and sitting on top of the East side. With all this said, I love Alaska and can't imagine being anywhere else. Read here one lady's perspective on a lifetime of this type of weather.

If you are cold and stuck inside, check out this webcam of a black bear, named Jewel, in her den who is due to give birth any day now....very cool.

Also check out my amazing friend, Martina's blog here. She has a great blog post about cloth diapers. We are so different, which I love, because we both bring new things to our friendship and that is what makes the cookie crumble. Her post on cloth diapers is so informative, it has numbers and all that. You see numbers and I don't play well (despite the fact I worked in finance for 2 years). Also I am not trying to be all hippy, crunchy you gotta do cloth, earth mama on ya. Really I am not. I can be a little crunchy and but I have gotten rid of all my old tie dyes I swear. I just remember when I was researching cloth diapers woman's blog helped me so much and gave me the confidence and knowledge to wrap that little bum in some reusable cloth. The cool thing about her blog is she isn't crunchy at all, and she has rocked the cloth, as Mama Bex says, easy peasy. So check it out if your interested in cloth.

And finally for some thumb sucking. I just don't get to see baby enough now I am back at school. Her bedtime is 5:30 and she doesn't wake until around 7, just as I am out the door. I know I can't complain because I remember the oh my god can I sleep just for an hour nights. But I miss her face!

So this morning as I was being loud and trying to get her to wake on her own so I could steal a kiss before going to work I heard this sound, coming from her room. I stomped, I mean tip toed in and there she was sucking away on her thumb. This is a big step since she has never liked a pacifier. I have read this means she is really learning to comfort herself. Whatever it means it was so cute, and hopefully she stops before we develop huge dental bills in the future. I had to wake her, kiss, cuddle and then pass her off to hubby.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A love affair

A few pictures snapped with my iphone over the weekend...

Ocoee bites her lower lip all the time. I have a habit of doing this when I am nervous or concentrating really hard.

Here is Ocoee at the brewery, she looks like a real 'ol G with her hat all gansta.

It has been in negative temperatures all weekend so we spent a lot of time cuddled up and just hanging around the house. On Saturday we went out for a redo of hubby's birthday since he spent his actually birthday last week tossing his cookies due to a stomach bug. Yuck, poor guy.

Everyone has recovered so we went to Midnight Sun, an amazing local brewery, had a late lunch, and spent a little time at Title Wave, a nice local bookstore. Ocoee was along for the ride and slept right through both events. She seems to be catching up on sleep on the weekend and not sleeping much at daycare. Hopefully when we switch to the new place on Jan. 30th, she will sleep better. The infant room is smaller and much cozier.

The point of this post is our love affair with this little bambino. It is totally in the fresh in love stage. Where we stare at her lovingly and ask each other every few minutes..did you see that. Oh, look what she can do now.

It is crazy. Everything she does we ooh and ahh over. She is the center of our world and we are totally happy with that.

I know, I know, a day will come when we are happy to hand her over to someone else to hold, just for a break. When her rolling over and grabbing her books won't amaze us. But for now, we are totally smitten, in that barf, I can't watch way that people who are freshly in love are.

Ocoee, darling, we just adore you to pieces.

Ok I will stop being sappy now :)


Friday, January 13, 2012

How to raise them right

A moose walking down our street

My delightful office roomie and I were talking about parenting and he mentioned. "That is why you have to raise them right."

To which I replied, "Is there a book on how to do that?"

But of course there isn't....I checked Amazon.

So instead I am reading other mothers blogs, listening to advice, and following my gut and heart with Ocoee.

Today this tidbit stood out to me.

Allow feelings, Limit behavior.

Yea that makes sense to me. As in yea monkeys are cool, I wish we could have one too, but No you can't swing from the banister railing like a monkey, too dangerous. Want to go look for a moose in the park instead.

Happy 3 day weekend.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

MLK day...yes I am happy to be off work but there is a bigger reason here

Monday is Martin Luther King Day. I have often just been happy to have this day off work, and yes I am still happy to have another day with my family, we all know how precious these days are.

I do want to stop and take a moment to remember what MLK stood for, fought for and died for. We are all humans. We all have fears and joys, hopes, dreams and people who love us. No matter our color, creed, sexual orientation, or religion.

There is a cool lesson a teacher I know does. She shows two students two eggs. One brown and one white. The spend time discussing how different they look on the outside (I had to comment one looked more "organic" than the other). Then the teacher cracks the eggs.

Inside they look the same. Yep. We all bleed the same essentially. Good lesson. I hope I will take the time to teach my little one these important lessons. And in a hippy inspired, idealist way I hope we all teach our kids this and then imagine how much better the world can be....

I know, I know- I am getting off my soapbox and heading back to the couch to snuggle with my little one now. Check out our new photo shoot on the Photo shoots with Ocoee tab at the top of the page. Pheesh she is adorable!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Things you do, little bug bear

Ocoee rocking her pink skulls outfit.

My main desire with this blog is to have a record of our little baby and all the wonderful firsts that we are expereincing. Family, friends and followers also get to share these with me and I get a chance to be write and express myself...all positive things in my book.

Here are things that are changing and new about Ocoee.

She has developed new ranges in her sounds and chats a lot. Hubby has been home with her for the last 3 days working from home and as he said, "She is awake 12 hours a day and is making noises 11 1/2 of those." Really I don't know where she gets it...hehe.

She looks down now. For ever she has looked up. This is why she loved ceiling fans and lights. But now she looks down. She loves our clothes, blankets and her feet are particularly interesting to her.

She rolls, rolls, rolls. You are never quite sure what corner of the crib you will find her in. Most nights she sleeps on her belly, no matter how many times you flip her to her back. She has great head control now though so we aren't as stressed about this as we were.

She is beginning to look at the dogs and understand that they are living things...this is just beginning.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Snow, snow, snow!

Our mailbox is buried!

Here in Alaska we are used to snow. I have friends who build elaborate families of snowmen, have plows attached to the front of their trucks and I personally have trained Brodie to eat snow in an attempt to keep our back deck clear....seriously he loves the stuff.

But this is getting ridiculous. We are already past our average of 72 inches. Towns like Cordova are buried deep. Nome has to get a Russian tanker to break ice to deliver fuel and they are not sure if even it will get through.

To top it all of we have had 1 snow day to date.

Today to the south of the city and north in the valley there are blizzard warnings, 28 inches of snow expected. UGH!

I love, love, love Alaska. But this much snow on top of so little light is getting to me. But, alas, I am an optimist. We are gaining about 5 minutes of light a day. I have new cross country skis to enjoy all this snow with. I actually snuck a ski in Sunday and had a great time. It was hard work with the trails not groomed yet, but the beauty and stillness of all the white nestled up against birch and spruce trees was calming and majestic....until Guiness spotted a moose and proceeded to chase her....poor moose.

Sickness update: Hubby is working from home and staying with baby. Both he and baby seem to be on the up and up and I myself, feel mucho better. I was able to get 12 hours of sleep last night. I am a firm believer that sleep and water cures most ailments and today this is looking very true.

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Monday, January 9, 2012


Baby came home with a bit of a bug after 4 days in daycare. These germs exploded and hubby had a really rough night. I did my best to nurse them both. At work now and feeling like I got hit with a truck....but baby seems to be doing better. YUCK!

Daycares are germ factories!

Sniff, Sniff

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day Care update!!!

So, my heart skipped, skidded and crashed...

Hubby sent me an email saying, in effect, he didn't think our daycare was good for Ocoee. You see, when I think something is wrong or bad, I sometimes need Mike's perspective because I can be a bit judgy and have unrealistic expectations at times....but when hubby thinks something is wrong I know we need to take action.

They aren't bad, this daycare, just not the right fit for us.

So I called our other daycare, the crunchy, cool parent co-op that we had reserved for the fall, and begged if there was an opening....

And there was. The director was just about to call me. Amazing. My heart lifted and I was so happy. This seems meant to be.

She will start at Hillcrest the first week of February. They also do cloth diapers, they are small and homey, with a welcoming vibe and a great philosophy. We are required to volunteer 20 hours a year...brilliant idea. I can't wait.

So this going back to work has been harder than I thought. But I am feeling empowered about our change. I hope little bug likes it as much as we do...or else plan C....hide her in my office :)


Nature versus Nurture

This is Ocoee's new thing...she lays this way all the time. When she cries- I think, Yea I wish I could put my hands over my ears too. Other times I think she is telling us a really good story that goes, So this bunny was hoping through the woods like this....

That might be because I wrote my first book at age 5 about a bunny. Still shocked that didn't win a junior Pulitzer or something.

I give this a lot of thought, does nature make us who we are or is the nurturing we receive (or don't) shape us?

I don't know but I am betting on nurture, cause I am the betting kind of gal. Here is a good quote that shows the type of thing I hope to nurture in you, baby bug.

"I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious."-Albert Enstein

I hope you are passionately curious.

Happy 14 week birthday!! Your daddy turns 34 on Sunday. Oh how lucky I am to have you both as the center of my world.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Top whatever lists...

So my dear friend Dan is an expert list maker and I bow at his greatness. He challenged me to make an inferior list to his and I just can't muster up the like every good teacher I know I will just steal his...with his permission.

So here it goes.

Albums of the year

1) black keys- el camino. Frickin' rifftastic.
2) Decemberists- the king is dead- instant classic
3) foo fighters - wasting light - just catchy I'm sorry it is.
4) radiohead - king of limbs- with bsides possibly #3
5) strokes - angles- nice little record
6) my morning jacket - circuital
7) death cab for cutie - codes and keys
8) the head and the heart - self titled
9) wilco - whole love
10) Bon iver - self titled
11) bright eyes - peoples key
12) blitzen trapper - American goldwing
13) pj Harvey - let England shake
14) iron & wine - kiss each other clean
15) book of Mormon soundtrack

The only area I am going to challenge him is where is Florence + The Machine, Lungs. The song, dog days are over, is so amazing. It was on our birth play list and my doctor actually stopped working for a moment and asked, "Who is this?"

We also discussed songs our babies heard and we both have a special spot in our heart for Eddie Vedder's, Into the Wild, soundtrack. D.P and K.P. listened to this album right before their son, Eddie (of course) was born and the song, Society, from the album was playing when Ocoee was born. Good music synergy.

So what albums would you add?? Leave a comment and tell me.

And my own little list...

Top things I love about your darling, baby.

1. Your ears, nose and toes...and everything in between.
2. Your go, go, go spirit.
3. Your smile
4. Watching you and your daddy play in bed before I go to work.

I could go on and on......


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