So, my heart skipped, skidded and crashed...
Hubby sent me an email saying, in effect, he didn't think our daycare was good for Ocoee. You see, when I think something is wrong or bad, I sometimes need Mike's perspective because I can be a bit judgy and have unrealistic expectations at times....but when hubby thinks something is wrong I know we need to take action.
They aren't bad, this daycare, just not the right fit for us.
So I called our other daycare, the crunchy, cool parent co-op that we had reserved for the fall, and begged if there was an opening....
And there was. The director was just about to call me. Amazing. My heart lifted and I was so happy. This seems meant to be.
She will start at Hillcrest the first week of February. They also do cloth diapers, they are small and homey, with a welcoming vibe and a great philosophy. We are required to volunteer 20 hours a year...brilliant idea. I can't wait.
So this going back to work has been harder than I thought. But I am feeling empowered about our change. I hope little bug likes it as much as we do...or else plan C....hide her in my office :)
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