Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A colorful world

I am feeling a little sorry for myself. I am really not enjoying being back at work, nor being away from baby. I thought I would. I thought I would be so happy to get back to my career, adult world and me time. But when I am honest with myself I am not thrilled at all. But I am a, the glass is half full of vodka kind of girl, so I need to drop this little pity party and focus on the good things in my life.

Like Ocoee and hubby.

Hubby told me he read a dad's blog and we had a real discussion about parenting and how he wanted his and Ocoee's relationship to develop. Backed by research and felt with deep love he discussed how his relationship with her now will effect her relationships later in life. He reported that the study showed the majority of women have a better relationships with their mothers than fathers. I feel so lucky to have a hubby who is an amazing husband and a good father.

Also my little bambino is such a sweet baby. She has been sleeping great and her smile and laugh make my world more colorful and special. We have a weekend in Girdwood coming up for some skiing with great friends and next week we tag along with daddy for some big city time in Seattle.

Ok, I am feeling a little better, pity party over!
