Thursday, June 5, 2014


Dear Bambino

It is an unfortunate twist of life that in order to be a part of this big, crazy, messy, beautiful world you must also experience loss. Lately we have had a lot of loss in our lives. From coworkers losing jobs, to losing pets both feather and furred, to the worst of all losing people we are close with.

You are now too little and young to understand loss. We explain the best we can, very truthfully and direct, and add some spiritual guidance such as, "Brodie will always be your doggy in your heart" and "his memories live on". These words are ok by you and you deal ok. We are breaking inside every time we have to bring loss into your lovely little world.

You too will experience loss. You will lose friendships, jobs, romances and people who you hold close to your heart.

Sometimes you may even lose yourself. I have been there and it is a raw feeling. I know you will have the courage to find yourself again and be the person you were meant to be.
These losses great and small will hurt your heart. I will be there to offer you words, maybe a little different that when you were two, but trying to comfort you all the same. Moving forward and  letting go of grief, loss, guilt.....these are hard goals work towards every moment after you have to let someone or something precious go.

Little things can also restore you sense of joy and hope. Things such as the dragon fly that landed on my hand today, you making me laugh and kind words from a friend. Healing beauties of our world.

Lovely bambino, with curly hair and so much to say and share. Look around and find the beauty in the world. Know that in times of loss you must take a breath and know that wonderful moments await you and that this too shall pass. Know always that you are loved.


  1. Beautifully written! Sending lots of hugs your way!

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