Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ocoee at 7 months

 This is totally her dad...his right eyebrow goes up exactly like this.

And this one is me, with her little grin and hands up in the air.

Ocoee turned 7 months on April 30th....here is her update, a few dates late.

Ocoee scoots, rolls, and contorts in ways that have her being called Cirque du Soleil, but she has not officially crawled yet.

She has been doing the "mommy pick me up" hands for a few weeks now. She does this when she is in her high chair and ready for a ride on the mommy train.

She eats solids a lot but recently has been more into her bottle again, this might have been due to a runny nose that now seems to be gone...at least for a day.

No teeth yet. She has always been very verbal and she continues with new sounds and babbles every day. She loves to blow raspberries (we talk back and forth like that), and has even developed a new sound that I am not sure how she makes. Her mouth is closed and it is a half snort, half click sound. She seems very proud of this sound and does it often.

She is still a champion sleeper, from 5:30 until 6:30 in the morning. We have to wake her to change her diaper but she falls right back to sleep.

She wears clothes way bigger. Part of this is due to her being a tall/long baby and part is due to her cloth diapers which make bigger close necessary. Most of her pants are 2T from Hannah Annderson and her onsies are 12-18months in some brands and others still 6-12 months.

She does what hubby calls the "hulk smash" where she gets really excited and whacks her hands down. The chicks are often a source of her excitement and we are working on "soft touch" with her so she can pet the chicks.

Laughing. Hmmm, Ocoee giggles a lot. She smiles all the time, but she rarely full out laughs. She will give you a little giggle but uncontrollable laughter has not hit her yet.

The months fly by so fast. I believe that the time since I have brought this little lovely into the world has gone by 4 times faster than previous time.....and 10 times faster than pregnancy which seemed soooooooo long.


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