Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lunch inspiration

Today for lunch I wanted to harvest the last of our lettuce crop and make a salad. Lettuce is one of the things that grows really well in Alaska. I love fancy types of lettuce with lots of color and texture so we grow them on our deck in pots.

In the salad I tossed shallots (hubby bought by mistake thinking they were garlic), Gorgonzola, chunks of the left over rustic bread from a local bakery, tomatoes and a slices apple. I also added a bit of napa cabbage. Napa cabbage is lighter and more porous than regular cabbage so it really sucks up the salad dressing. Yum!

The dressing is homemade fig basalmic, which is basalmic vinegar, figs puréed, salt and pepper. It is simply and work well with the creaminess of the Gorgonzola.

I can tell you we finished of the whole salad bowl! Delicious. I have really been finding inspiration for food on blogs. Not fancy chefs but normal people who love food and share their successes.

Hope your enjoying some yummy food.


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