Sunday, December 18, 2011

Heading to Maui-Travel with baby

Bags are packed and boarding passes are printed. We head to Maui tomorrow for our annual Hawaiian Christmas vacation. I am really looking forward to some sunshine, warmth and swimming in the sea. This year the grandparents will be meeting us so Ocoee will get some great family time. We also have a good friend who will be in the same condo complex with his kids and he is always fun to hang out with.

I think we have everything we need for Ocoee and I really hope she will be happy on the plane...she is a pretty happy baby everywhere so I am optimistic. Also the flight from Anchorage to Maui at Christmas is always full of families so she will be one of many babies on board.

She will turn 3 months while in Maui and it is amazing how much she has changed. Her new skills are: Rolling over, reaching and grabbing things often, great head control and self-soothing in her crib during naps and nighttime. She also really enjoys when we read books these days and pays attention to the pages as we read.

I feel blessed to have a great family and a chance to relax in Hawaii and reflect on the amazing changes in our life since we conceived little Ocoee last year in Maui.


  1. Who would have thought last year when you were packing your bags for Hawaii that you would have a three-month-old daughter just one year later!!?? God is so good. Have an awesome trip!!

  2. I hope your vacation's been great! I've tagged you in a blog post of mine.
