Thursday, May 9, 2013

The business of birth

When I as pregnant I was completely immersed in trying to have a natural birth and how the whole big day would go down. I was lucky to have an amazing gynecologist who literally saved my life when I started being his patient.

In the end I was the opposite of what I wanted, I had a 10 day late, C-section for a 10 pound 10 ounce baby. But I had a healthy baby and nothing else matter. It all went really well and 10 months of planning and fretting went out the window.

That being said I still find natural and alternative birth fascinating and was browsing my email this morning when my latest edition to GOOP popped up. This is a blog/magazine online that Gwyneth Paltrow publishes. I always find great things there.

This issue focuses on mothers and has an interview and clip of a documentary about The Farm. The Farm is a hippy like compound in Middle Tennessee, close to my college town. We used to go to parties there and my nursing friends would visit to learn about the natural birthing practices being used there. The film, Birth Story, focuses on the methods of Ina May Gaskin and midwifery at The Farm. I will be putting it on my Netflix queue today.

Another film we watched while pregnant was, The business of being born. These all take a different look at midwives and birth in modern times. I am a proponent of doing what in the hell ever works for you! There is no right or wrong way to create life, there is only your way. I do however believe you should investigate and learn your options. My options became limited but I was in full control of the decisions because I was armed with information. Information is your friend!!

So congrats to the following people on being new or mothers again in the last few months!

The Evans/Beck Family
The Baums
The Bowmans
My step-sister, Katie Mathews-Townsend
The Lorenzen Family

I know there are others I am leaving out but I send my love and happiness to you!

Being a mother has changed me in many, many ways. I truly have never known a love like this before. For that Ocoee, I will also thank you!


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