Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day one in the city

Our little baby deserves a big gold star on her sticker chart of life because she is such a fabulous traveler. She has recently been going through another bout of teething so I was a little nervous. We gave her a little Hylands teething gel though and she was good to go.

There were a few other babies who cried on the plane, but Ocoee didn't. She loves to look around at everyone and when we saw her getting sleepy we wrapped her in my scarf and she snuggled into daddy for a nice nap. I was even able to grab a nap on the plane.

Arriving in Seattle was like a shock to our senses. There is grass and sun and warmth.....oh my! In Alaska it was recently 18 degrees, which is a huge warm up after weeks of zero and below. But here in Seattle it is mid 50's and sunny. People complain about Seattle weather but I always have good experiences.

We went to lunch at a nice italian place called Tulio. We went around 1:30, which is our favorite lunch time because you avoid the crowds. We were able to have wine, apps, meal and dessert....the baby just chilled and then fell asleep from boredom...I guess mommy and daddy don't have sparkling enough conversation for her. Highlights from the meal were the sweet potato gnocchi, calzone and homemade raspberry sorbet. YUM!

Then daddy had to go do work stuff...this is a work trip for him. We went back up to our room, admired the skyline and then settled in for a nap. We are both champion nappers.

Hubby woke us up around 5. He got some work done in the hotel and we all got some baby snuggle time in. Then baby was tucked into her peapod (best travel gear by far) and daddy was off to bowl with some work friends.

This leaves me in one of my favorite situations.

No where to be, no one to entertain, room service on demand, a good book and a maid in the morning.....ah I love hotel living.

Tomorrow we have some adventures planned...

Hubby and Ocoee get some cuddle time in.

Hubby pushed baby back from lunch, tomorrow this stroller and the Seattle hills are going to be my workout plan.

At the SEA-TAC airport there was brilliant light display that amazed Ocoee.

Getting ready for her first light rail trip. Note the cute baby bib scarf, that daddy calls her ascot.

She had a firm grip on her daddy while napping on the plane.

Snoozing happily away....

Also baby has found a new favorite thing. King sized beds...especially when mommy bounces her on them...check out this funny video of her.


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