Ideas for Celebrating Baby’s First Birthday
First of all give yourself a big pat on the back, the baby’s about to hit the one-year landmark. You made it! Soon your little one will be running amuck in the house and talking up a storm. But for now, what sort of party do you throw for an infant? You aren’t exactly going to deck the house out with Super Mario party supplies. After all, they’re turning one, not seven. Still, you want to celebrate the anniversary of their first year on this earth with family and friends. Here are a few ideas for first birthday parties:
At this stage it’s more for the parents than the kids, you want to see that single candle get lit and cake all over the place. So, when it comes to the guest list think family first and then maybe one or two other close family friends. The time for inviting over half the daycare can come in later years, this is a chance for you to get your feet wet and have your hands free to take a bunch of pictures.
Beware of naptime for your little one and any other little kiddos coming over. Plan to either have an early lunch or early dinner, let’s say 11 am or 4 pm on a Saturday.
Try to make cooking as easy as you can on yourself. If you have any volunteers for kitchen help—accept! BBQ and fajitas are good for groups if weather permits and if indoors is your option a nice big brisket that you can throw in the oven in the morning and then forget about for the rest of the day is perfect.
Bake the cake the night before. Word to the wise, you will be battling sugar rushes at birthday parties for the next decade, make it easy on yourself this year and bake an all-natural, low sugar carrot cake or applesauce cake.

Above all don’t take on anything that will stress you out. You only get to celebrate your baby’s first birthday once and if you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off, you won’t enjoy or remember it. It’s a time to savor, not rush.
Lisa is guest post blogger who writes about how to’s about anniversary parties, wedding and baby showers and themed birthday parties.
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